Ferias , que bom ...

sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2011

How to Become Canadian Citizen! Cidadania Canadiana ! dia 13 de Julho serei Canadiana

e hoje quando ainda hem cedo neste Canada e mal o Fer foi para o trabalho , liguei o computador para ler as noticias deste mundo pois a minha Mae ainda esta a dormir e nao quiz ligar a televisao para assim ela poder descansar mais um bocado e isto eram 5 e meia da manha , ahhh pois ehhh aqui comeca se bem cedo o dia e ao aceder ao site da cidadania vi que serei Canadiana dia 13 de Julho esta 4 feira ja ! amanha eh o meu aniversario e 4 feira fico Canadiana ! um presentao pois ! agr aqui em casa seremos 2 Canadianos ! muita emocao !

aqui transcrevo o processo :

We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on June 9, 2010.
We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called A Look at Canada on June 9, 2010. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
We started processing your application on February 23, 2011.
We sent you a letter on February 23, 2011. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the letter before sending us additional information, as the letter will outline all information that is required. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
Your file was transferred to the Ottawa CIC office on April 13, 2011. The Ottawa CIC office will contact you if additional information is required. The Ottawa CIC office will contact you regarding your citizenship test once all the necessary checks on your file are complete.
We sent you a letter on April 21, 2011. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the letter before sending us additional information, as the letter will outline all information that is required. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
We sent you a notice on May 17, 2011 to appear and write the citizenship test on June 9, 2011 at 8:30 AM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.
We sent you a notice on July 5, 2011 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on July 13, 2011 at 11:00 AM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.

e assim comeca um novo ciclo e um se fecha: e outro se abre , serei Canadiana e deixarei de ser uma branca de segunda !por mais direitos liberdades aceitacoes e afins ser Canadiana sera diferente e abrira outras oportunidades
no campo das futilidades : e la vou eu comprar uma roupinha nova e condigna para o dia , shopping malll here I go to buy a new outfit , weeeee
e melhor ainda : para la do Fer que claro estaria ao meu lado , como a minha Mae esta de ferias aqui ela tambem ira e triplo weeee weeee weeeeeee
quem tiver perguntas ou estiver neste estagio e quizer saber como foi como eh o exame etc e etcs eh so perguntar aqui estarei pra responder
bjos e abracos

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